Useful Information
- Parish Safeguarding Officers are Barbara Peel and Margaret McConnell Contact details in the porch
- Parish Office: is in The Presbytery at 69 Lichfield Road. The Parish Administrator is available Tuesday and Friday 10.30am-1.30pm.
- Event Bookings for the parish facilities must be made in writing/email - FAO Parish Administrator.
- Sacraments: Please Complete the request forms (found at back of church) for all Baptisms and Weddings and deliver to the Presbytery. You will then be contacted. Bookings will NOT be taken informally.
- If you wish to place a notice on the bulletin please complete a Bulletin Request Form and return to Presbytery or send an email to the parish email address. Must be received by 12 noon on Thursday.
- Hospital Chaplaincy: If you or a loved one is in hospital and wish to be visited by a Priest and/or Eucharistic Minister please inform the parish office as the wards do not automatically lets us know.